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Media Formulas

Number Name Abbreviation
28 International Streptomyces Project Yeast Extract-Malt Extract Agar - pH 5.1 | Download ISP2
29 Yeast Peptone | Download YP
30 Yeast phosphate soluble starch agar | Download YpSs
31 Marine International Streptomyces Project Yeast Extract-Malt Extract Agar | Download ISP2
32 Mineral Salts Agar | Download MSA
33 M60Y (Harolds Agar) | Download M60Y
34 Brain Heart Infusion Broth | Download BHI
35 MRS | Download MRS
36 Mixed Cereal Agar | Download MCA
37 International Streptomyces Project Yeast Extract-Malt Extract Agar | Download ISP2 + 10% NaCl
38 1/5-strength Emerson's yeast phosphate soluble starch agar | Download YpSs/5
39 Yeast Extract-Starch Agar | Download YS
40 Half-strength V8 Juice Agar | Download 1/2 V8
41 Synthetic Mucor Agar | Download SMA
42 Yeast Extract Mannitol | Download YEM
43 Yeast Extract - Malt Extract - Peptone - 25% Glucose Agar | Download YM25
44 Luria-Bertani Agar - Miller's Formulation | Download LB
45 Nutrient Agar | Download NA
46 Modified Arabinose Gluconate Agar | Download MAG
47 Trypticase Soy Agar with 5% Sheep Blood | Download TSA II
48 Pea Agar | Download Pea Agar
49 Modified Melin-Norkrans | Download MMN
50 Malt Yeast Extract 50% Glucose Agar (MY50G) | Download MY50G
51 Frankia Media | Download FM
52 Frankia Media plus Tween 80 (FM T80) | Download FM T80